Gluten-free, flourless healthy chickpea or black bean brownies packed with nutrients for an equal-parts delicious yet healthful dessert. This easy dairy-free, refined sugar-free dessert recipe only requires a few minutes of prep time and is made conveniently in your blender!
Super Bowl Sunday! What is everyone doing?
I thought I’d pop in and share this healthy black bean brownies dessert recipe that you can make for your friends and family at your Super Bowl gathering as a last minute treat. My guess is you already have every single ingredient you need right there in your pantry. For me, this recipe is an oldie but a goody – it has been revised many times over the years, and has been a staple in my home ever since I tried them for the first time 5 years ago.
Continue reading: Double Chocolate Chickpea or Black Bean Brownies
The post Double Chocolate Chickpea or Black Bean Brownies appeared first on The Roasted Root.